BASE Consulting

About Us

We provide hands on assistance to small businesses around New Zealand,
helping them thrive and grow with resilience and clear strategy.

Our Mission

With 97% of all businesses in New Zealand employing less than 20 people, small businesses make up a big part of our economy.

We provide a BASE for small businesses. Helping them to cross the chasm, to grow and succeed well into the future.

Success in business is defined by more than just the bottom line.

Our Value Proposition

While you focus on the value only you can add to your business, BASE Consulting can help you formulate a clear strategy to get you where you want to be, to reduce repetition and unnecessary waste, while streamlining your operations.

With a strong focus on the customer, our marketing and quality improvements advise will help your business take off and prosper.

Projects completed
99 %
Positive feedback
Years of experience